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“An Act Uplifting the PNP Morale and Welfare and for Other Purposes, Further Amending Certain Provisions of Republic Act Numbered Sixty Nine and Seventy Five Entitled: “An Act Establishing the Philippine National Police Under a Reorganized Department of the Interior and Local Government, and for Other Purposes”, as Amended”


The National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) has submitted to the Committee on Peace and Order and Public Safety a proposed bill entitled: “An Act Uplifting the PNP Morale and Welfare and for Other Purposes, Further Amending Certain Provisions of Republic Act Numbered Sixty-Nine and Seventy-Five Entitled: “An Act Establishing the Philippine National Police Under a Reorganized the Philippine National Police Under a Reorganized Department of the Interior and Local Government, and for Other Purposes”, as Amended.


An advocacy campaign through broad-based consultations and dialogues at the Central Office and the Regional Office of the NAPOLCOM shall be conducted to reach out to various stakeholders among the agencies and institutions of the national government, the legislators, the private sector, the communities, and the general public, including and most importantly, the families of the police uniformed and non-uniformed personnel of the Philippine National Police (PNP).


The Governors and Mayors, as deputies of the NAPOLCOM in their respective localities, shall also be invited to participate in the series of advocacy campaign activities to generate the widest views and opinions of all stakeholders on solutions to the issues and concerns affecting the morale and welfare of the PNP.


The venue for these activities shall be announced through this website and other advisories.



January 20, 2025



The National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) is pleased to announce the official results of the nationwide examinations held on November 24, 2024.


Check out the list of successful examinees in the menu tab above.


Congratulations to all passers! Your dedication and hard work have paid off.



The National Police Commission conducts two sets of police examinations twice a year, one for those who are already in the police service (Promotional), and another for those aspiring to enter the Philippine National Police (PNP Entrance). 


The PNP ENTRANCE EXAMINATION is open to all Filipino citizens who meet the age, height and educational Requirements.  Click here to view the General Qualifications


Those who passed this examination are conferred by the NAPOLCOM, the PNP Entrance Eligibility which is appropriate for appointment to the rank of Patrolman/woman, as prescribed under sec. 30 of Republic Act No. 6975, as amended by Republic Act No. 8551.


The PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATIONS are open exclusively to all qualified uniformed members of the PNP who meet the minimum qualification standards for examination in terms of rank and eligibility.  Click here to view the General Qualifications  – Addendum to the General Qualifications




The POLICE EXECUTIVE SERVICE ELIGIBILITY EXAMINATION (PESE) is an eligibility requirement for the ranks of Police Colonel, Police Brigadier General, Police Major General, Police Lieutenant General and Police General.


The two-phased PESE examination process consists of written examination and panel interview. Both phases contain analytical questions on police leadership and police values designed to select the best future leaders in the police service. 


Latest Releases:

February 5, 2025

NAPOLCOM receives 100% resolution and compliance rate from the 8888 Citizens’ Complaint Center


The National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) has consistently demonstrated its commitment to addressing public concerns by promptly processing and providing concrete actions to clients’ concerns received through the 8888 Citizens’ Complaint Center (8888 CCC) within the prescribed turnaround time.


As a testament to its dedication to timely and efficient service delivery, NAPOLCOM achieved a commendable 100% compliance rate and 100% resolution rate from the Office of the President – 8888 CCC for the year 2024.


The NAPOLCOM received a total of 113 tickets from the 8888 CCC portal for the period of January to December 2024. Majority of endorsed concerns, with a total number of 58 tickets or 51.32%, are related to the processing of Philippine National Police (PNP) welfare benefits. These concerns primarily pertain to the monthly pension of PNP personnel who were granted with Total Permanent Physical Disability (TPPD) benefits, pension of the beneficiaries of police officers who died in the performance of duty, scholarship benefits, and follow-up on the release of credited pensions.


This was followed by concerns requesting for assistance in filing complaints against PNP personnel, which accounted for 32 tickets or 28.31%.


Additionally, 11 tickets, representing 9.73%, are inquiries about the status or follow-up of pending police administrative cases.


Vice Chairperson and Executive Officer (VCEO) Atty. Ricardo P. Bernabe III emphasized the NAPOLCOM’s steadfast commitment to upholding its mandate with the highest standards of integrity and professionalism, aiming for excellence in all its initiatives.


“The NAPOLCOM remains dedicated to delivering responsive and client-centered public service. In our pursuit of excellence, we ensure accessibility through various platforms to effectively address the needs of the public,” he said.


The 8888 CCC, which was established in 2016, serves as a mechanism for citizens to report their complaints and grievances on acts of red tape as defined under Republic Act No. 9485, as amended by RA No. 11032, and/or corruption activities of any national government agency and other government corporation, financial institution, or instrumentalities.

January 28, 2025


For PESE Re-interviewees


The National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) will hold the Police Executive Service Eligibility (PESE) Validation Interview, the second and final phase of the PESE process, tentatively scheduled in March 2025 at the NAPOLCOM Central Office in Quezon City.


The PESE is an eligibility requirement for the third-level ranks in the Philippine National Police (PNP). It has two phases, the Written Examination and the Validation Interview, to evaluate the leadership skills, police values, and competence of police officers for higher responsibilities within the PNP. Those who obtained an outstanding rating during the Validation Interview shall be conferred with the eligibility in a formal conferment ceremony.


In this regard, Police Commissioned Officers (PCOs) who wish to re-apply for the PESE Validation Interview may submit a formal request for re-interview. Requests must be submitted via email to [email protected] on or before February 7, 2025.


For further inquiries, please contact the Examining Division, Personnel and Administrative Service (ED, PAS), NAPOLCOM Central Office at telephone numbers (02) 8899-0085 and (02) 8403-2588.

January 20, 2025


For NAPOLCOM Examination Passers


The results of the Philippine National Police (PNP) Entrance and Promotional Examinations held last November 24, 2024 can now be viewed at the NAPOLCOM website:


The PNP Entrance Examination was administered to qualified civilians with a bachelor’s degree, aged between 21 and 30 on the day of the examination, as well as to Patrolmen and Patrolwomen with temporary appointment due to lack of appropriate eligibility. The Promotional Examinations, on the other hand, were conducted for in-service police officers seeking career advancement, provided they meet the eligibility and rank requirements.


To access the list of passers in the following exam categories, copy this link:

  1. PNP Entrance Examination
  2. Police Officer 1st Class
  3. Police Officer 2nd Class
  4. Police Officer 3rd Class
  5. Police Officer 4th Class


Certificate of Eligibility (COE) for examination passers and Report of Rating (ROR) for unsuccessful examinees will be sent by mail.


Upon request and payment of PHP150.00, CERTIFICATION of successful examinees may be issued by the Examining Division-Personnel and Administrative Service (ED-PAS), NAPOLCOM Central Office, Quezon City and by the 17 NAPOLCOM Regional Offices nationwide.


Please contact the ED-PAS and the Regional Office concerned for inquiries:

NCR (02) 8-882-1180

(02) 8-882-1187

(02) 8-882-1190

02 8-882-1184

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
CAR (074) 443-4744

074 442-7193

[email protected] na olcom car h
1 (072) 242-5064

072 682-8896

[email protected] na olcomrl h
2 (078) 396-0445

078 373-1164

[email protected] na olcom r2
3 (045) 455-0253


[email protected] na olcomr30rd
(049) 545-1368

049 537-9174

[email protected] na olcom4a
MIMAROPA (049) 531-4833

049 539-4146

[email protected] na olcom4b
5 (052) 482-5560

(052) 482-1041

(052) 284-5955


[email protected]
6 (033) 335-0023

(033) 337-0934


[email protected] [email protected]
7 (032) 328-8133

032 344-2977

[email protected] na olcom r7
8 (053) 888-0088

(053) 832-0684


[email protected] [email protected]
9 (062) 925-1112

Pagadian City

(062) 925-1100

(062) 991-4900

Zamboan a Cit

[email protected] [email protected]
10 (088) 850-5701



rdl [email protected] napolcom_rl [email protected]
11 (082) 226-2418

(082) 227-9637

082 228 5645

[email protected] napolcom.rol [email protected]
12 (083) 520-0417

(083) 228-2317

(083) 381-0689


rdl [email protected] napolcom_rl [email protected]
CARAGA (085) 225-9282

(085) 342-8785



rdl [email protected] napolcom [email protected]
BARMM (064) 421-4401

064 557-4254

[email protected] n carmm

January 23, 2025

10,426 aspiring police officers hurdle PNP Entrance test; 2,807 cops pass police promotional exams


The National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) has announced the results of the Philippine National Police (PNP) Entrance and Promotional Examinations held on November 24, 2024 in 37 examination centers nationwide. These examinations are essential in ensuring the continued professionalization of the PNP by providing a merit-based system for both recruitment and career advancement within the police force.

The PNP Entrance Examination was administered to qualified civilians with a bachelor’s degree, aged between 21 and 30 on the day of the examination, as well as to Patrolmen and Patrolwomen with temporary appointment due to lack of appropriate eligibility. The Promotional Examinations, on the other hand, were conducted for in-service police officers seeking career advancement, provided they meet the eligibility and rank requirements.

Passing the PNP Entrance Examination grants eligibility for appointment as Patrolman or Patrolwoman, while passing the Promotional Examinations qualifies police officers for promotion to higher ranks within the PNP.

Out of the 44,436 total examinees, 13,233 successfully passed the examinations, resulting in the overall passing rate of 29.78%. Of this total, 10,426 examinees passed the PNP Entrance Examination, representing 28.65% of the 36,386 civilian and Patrolmen/Patrolwomen examinees. Meanwhile, 2,807 in-service police officers passed the Promotional Examinations, achieving a 34.87% success rate from the 8,050 who took the examinations.

The 10,426 PNP Entrance eligibles are now qualified to apply to the police service, provided they meet the prescribed requirements for the general qualifications for appointment in the PNP set forth under Section 14 of Republic Act No. 8551.

On the other hand, the 2,807 police officers who passed the Promotional Examinations are categorized into four (4) levels, reflecting the eligibility requirements for specific ranks within the PNP structure, as follows:

  • Police Officer (PO) 1st Class Examination: This category qualifies officers for promotion to the ranks of Police Major and Police Lieutenant Colonel. A total of 90 police officers, representing 61.64% of examinees, passed this exam, demonstrating their readiness for senior leadership positions within the PNP.
  • Police Officer (PO) 2nd Class Examination: For promotion to the ranks of Police Lieutenant and Police Captain, 402 police officers passed the examination, reflecting a 29.87% success rate. These officers are now equipped with the eligibility needed to assume greater responsibilities.
  • Police Officer (PO) 3rd Class Examination: A total of 1,202 officers successfully passed this exam, which qualifies them for promotion to the ranks of Police Master Sergeant, Senior Master Sergeant, Chief Master Sergeant, and Executive Master Sergeant. This category had a passing rate of 28.34%, paving the way for many experienced personnel to advance in their respective fields of expertise.
  • Police Officer (PO) 4th Class Examination: In this category, which covers eligibility for promotion to the ranks of Police Corporal and Police Staff Sergeant, 1,113 officers passed, representing a 48.06% success rate. This achievement allows these officers to further their careers and contribute to the PNP’s mandate with enhanced capabilities and leadership potential.

The full list of successful examinees is posted in the NAPOLCOM website ( Certificates of Eligibility (for passers) and Reports of Rating (for those who did not pass) will be sent by mail.

Through these examinations, NAPOLCOM reaffirms its commitment to strengthen the ranks of the PNP by upholding the principles of merit, competence, and professionalism in the recruitment and promotion of police personnel.

January 23, 2025

207 PNP Officials pass NAPOLCOM PESE Written Exam

A total of 207 senior police officials passed the Police Executive Service Eligibility (PESE) Written Examination conducted by the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) on November 23, 2024 in Quezon City, Cebu City and Davao City.

The 207 passers of the PESE Written Examination are qualified to take the second and final phase of the PESE process, which is the validation interview. The PESE Validation Interview is based on the approved procedural guidelines set by the NAPOLCOM. Police interviewees shall undergo a thorough assessment by panelists composed of a NAPOLCOM official, a Philippine National Police (PNP) senior official, and a representative from the Civil Society/Academe/National Government Agency.

The PESE examination has two phases, the Written Examination and the Validation Interview. Both phases contain analytical questions on police leadership and police values in order to test the competence, skills and mettle of the future leaders of the PNP.

As provided under NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2020-0892, only those who obtained an outstanding rating during the Validation Interview shall be conferred with the eligibility in a formal conferment ceremony.

The PESE is an eligibility requirement for the third level ranks of Police Colonel, Police Brigadier General, Police Major General, Police Lieutenant General, and Police General pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2006-082.

The complete list of PESE Written Examination passers can be viewed at the NAPOLCOM website at 

November 20, 2024

NAPOLCOM welcomes the new Vice Chairperson and Commissioners


The National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) officially welcomes its newly designated Vice Chairperson and Executive Officer (VCEO) and two (2) new Commissioners during the Flag Raising Ceremony on November 18, 2024 at the NAPOLCOM Central Office in Quezon City.

President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. designated Commissioner Ricardo P. Bernabe III as the new Vice Chairperson and Executive Officer of the NAPOLCOM on November 4, 2024. On the same date, he also appointed Atty. Rafael Vicente R. Calinisan as Commissioner representing the civilian sector, while retired Police Brigadier General Josephus G. Angan was appointed Commissioner representing the law enforcement sector.

Vice Chairperson and Executive Officer (VCEO) Bernabe has been a key figure in NAPOLCOM since 2022, serving as Commissioner representing the civilian sector. Prior to his appointment to NAPOLCOM, he held prominent roles in the Office of the President, serving as Assistant Secretary and later as Undersecretary in the Office of the Executive Secretary (OES). As Undersecretary, he was entrusted with significant responsibilities, including leading the Strategic Action and Response (STAR) Office under the OES and serving as a Member of the Career Executive Service Board (CESB). Prior to joining the government in 2016, VCEO Bernabe was an Associate General Counsel of San Miguel Corporation. He was also a bar examiner in the 2020/2021 bar examinations.

As VCEO, Atty. Bernabe is committed to provide visionary leadership in elevating the NAPOLCOM’s role as a reliable oversight body that fully supports initiatives to streamline police operations, enhance transparency, and uphold the rule of law.  Demonstrating an unwavering commitment to public service, he draws upon his extensive experience as Commissioner to fortify the NAPOLCOM’s mandate of ensuring a highly capable, effective, and credible police force. His steadfast dedication to organizational excellence is poised to further advance the professionalization of the Philippine National Police (PNP) and strengthen public confidence in law enforcement.

Meanwhile, Commissioner Calinisan is both a lawyer and an accountant. He is a well-known public interest lawyer and a lawyer of celebrities. Before his appointment to NAPOLCOM, Commissioner Calinisan was the Chairman and Executive Officer of the People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB) of Quezon City, where he achieved a groundbreaking zero-case backlog and a record 60-day case resolution timeframe, the fastest in the country. His professional journey includes serving as a manager at Unilever Philippines, an associate at ACCRALAW, and as Technical Assistant with the rank of Assistant Secretary in the Office of the President from 2010 to 2016. A staunch advocate of green mobility, he served as Chief Executive Officer of EV Solutions. He was the Managing Partner of his own law office, the Calinisan, Domino & Beron Law Offices.

Commissioner Calinisan’s expertise in law and public administration is expected to lead transformative reforms in the PNP’s disciplinary systems. His leadership is expected to uphold swift justice, strengthen accountability, and reinforce integrity within the PNP organization that aligns with the NAPOLCOM’s mandate to ensure a professional and trustworthy police service.

On the other hand, Commissioner Angan is a distinguished public servant and retired Police Brigadier General with three decades of exemplary service in law enforcement, security, and public safety. Throughout his illustrious career, he held various key leadership roles, culminating in his tenure as Regional Director of Police Regional Office 6. As Chairman of the Regional Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (RLECC) for Region 6, Commissioner Angan’s strategic leadership earned the committee recognition as the Best RLECC in the Visayas for 2014, awarded by the National Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee. His extensive expertise spans police and military operations, intelligence work, strategic planning, major event security, and fostering inter-agency cooperation. In addition to his achievements in law enforcement, Commissioner Angan served as Senior Police Assistant to then-DILG Secretary Mar Roxas, further demonstrating his commitment to public service.

Commissioner Angan brings a wealth of operational and strategic experience to NAPOLCOM. With decades of service in law enforcement, his insights will be invaluable in enhancing the PNP’s capacity for strategic planning and security operations. His leadership is expected to strengthen coordination between the PNP and other law enforcement agencies towards ensuring a unified approach in maintaining peace and order and public safety across the country.

With these new appointments, the NAPOLCOM En Banc is now complete, with the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Juan Victor C. Remulla as Ex officio Chairperson, VCEO Bernabe, Commissioner Beatrice Aurora A. Vega Cancio, Commissioner Calinisan, Commissioner Angan, and Chief, PNP, PGEN Rommel Francisco D. Marbil, as Ex officio Commissioner.

Together, the new NAPOLCOM leadership aims to build a stronger, more professional, and community-oriented police organization. By leveraging their collective expertise, they plan to foster a culture of accountability and integrity within the PNP and modernize processes to address evolving security challenges. Additionally, their strategic oversight will focus on strengthening the PNP’s operational readiness through targeted reforms and innovation.

November 21, 2024





                        November 24, 2024 (Sunday)

                        8:00 AM – 11:00 AM



Region Examination Center Name of School
NCR Taguig City Pitogo High School
Benigno Aquino High School
Fort Bonifacio High School Bldg. I
Fort Bonifacio High School Bldg. II
Quezon City Quezon City Science High School
Marikina City Parang Elementary School
CAR Baguio City Baguio City National Science High School
Apayao Apayao State College
1 City of San Fernando Saint Louis College
Vigan City Ilocos Sur National High School
Pangasinan Pangasinan National High School
2 Tuguegarao City Cagayan National High School
Nueva Vizcaya Nueva Vizcaya University of Science and Technology
3 City of San Fernando Pampanga High School
Cabanatuan City Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (Sumacab Campus)
4A Calamba City Jose Rizal Memorial School
Lucena City Lucena City National High School


Calapan City Oriental Mindoro National High School
Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro Sablayan National Comprehensive High School
Romblon Romblon National High School
5 Legazpi City Marcial Rañola Memorial School
Naga City Camarines Sur National High School Liboton Annex
6 Iloilo City West Visayas State University
Bacolod City Doña Montserrat Lopez Memorial High School
7 Cebu City Abellana National School
Tagbilaran City Dr. Cecilio Putong National High School
8 Tacloban City Sagkahan National High School
Calbayog City NorthWest Samar State University
9 Pagadian City Zamboanga Del Sur National High School
Zamboanga City Don Pablo Lorenzo Memorial High School
10 Cagayan de Oro City Capitol University
Iligan City Iligan City National High School
11 Davao City University of Mindanao-Matina Campus
Mati City Davao Oriental State University
12 Koronadal City Koronadal National Comprehensive High School
General Santos City General Santos City National Secondary School of Arts and Trades
CARAGA Butuan City Agusan National High School
Bayugan City Bayugan National Comprehensive High School
BARMM Cotabato City Bangsamoro Stand Alone Senior High School
Tawi-Tawi Mahardika Institute of Technology




  1. Notice of Admission (NOA) issued by the Regional Office;
  2. Identification (ID) Card:
  • For Civilian applicant – One (1) valid government-issued ID with applicant’s date of birth (National ID, Postal, Driver’s License, etc.);
  • For PNP member – PNP ID;
  1. Pencil No. 2; and,
  2. Black or Blue ball pen

NOTE: Only examinees with printed NOA shall be authorized to take the examination. Clearances issued by the Barangay, PNP, NBI, and Court shall not be accepted as valid government-issued ID.




  • PNP Entrance Examinees should wear white shirt, shoes, and black/dark blue pants (maong/slacks). Examinees are advised to observe proper grooming.
  • PNP PROMEX Examinees should wear PNP GOA Type C.


NOTE:   The Examination Administrator may authorize the wearing of PNP Patrol Shirt or Field Service Uniform (green and pixelized camouflage) for justifiable/exceptional reason. Examinees not in the prescribed attire shall NOT be allowed to enter the examination venue.




Examinees are prohibited from bringing the following inside the examination center: firearm, explosive or any deadly weapon, two-way radio, smartwatch, cellular phone and other electronic gadgets, calculator, reading/review materials, bag/knapsack, and envelope/folder.



The exam results of examinees involved in acts of cheating such as, but not limited to, the following shall be invalidated: impersonation, use of codigo or crib sheets, tampering with exam records, collusion of whatever nature between examinees and exam personnel, test booklet switching, such other acts of similar nature that facilitate the passing of the exam, and results declared by NAPOLCOM, through the ED-PAS, as statistically improbable. 

Police officers who shall be found to have committed such anomalous acts shall not only be permanently barred from taking the NAPOLCOM exam but shall also be charged with dishonesty and, if found culpable, shall be meted the penalty of dismissal from the service. On the other hand, civilian examinees who shall be found to have committed the aforementioned anomalous acts shall be permanently barred from taking the NAPOLCOM exam. 

Individuals who shall be found to have used fake NAPOLCOM eligibility for their entry into the police service shall likewise be permanently barred from taking the NAPOLCOM exam and shall be filed with appropriate charges.


For inquiries, please contact any of the following NAPOLCOM Regional Offices:



(02) 8-882-1180

(02) 8-882-1187

(02) 8-882-1190

(02) 8-882-1184

[email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

CAR (074) 443-4744

(074) 442-7193

[email protected] [email protected]
1 (072) 242-5064

(072) 682-8896

[email protected] [email protected]
2 (078) 396-0445

(078) 373-1164

[email protected] n[email protected]
3 (045) 455-0253


[email protected]

[email protected]

4A (049) 545-1368

(049) 537-9174

[email protected] [email protected]
MIMAROPA (049) 531-4833

(049) 539-4146

[email protected] [email protected]
5 (052) 482-5560

(052) 482-1041

(052) 284-5955


[email protected] [email protected]
6 (033) 335-0023

(033) 337-0934


[email protected] [email protected]
7 (032) 328-8133

(032) 344-2977

[email protected]

[email protected]

8 (053) 888-0088

(053) 832-0684


[email protected] [email protected]
9 (062) 925-1112 Pagadian City

(062) 925-1100

(062) 991-4900 Zamboanga City

[email protected] [email protected]
10 (088) 850-5701



[email protected] [email protected]
11 (082) 226-2418

(082) 227-9637

(082) 228 5645

[email protected]

[email protected]

12 (083) 520-0417

(083) 228-2317

(083) 381-0689


[email protected] [email protected]
CARAGA (085) 225-9282

(085) 342-8785



[email protected] [email protected]
BARMM (064) 421-4401

(064) 557-4254

[email protected] [email protected]

November 21, 2024






                        November 23, 2024 (Saturday)

                        8:00 AM – 11:00 AM





PNP Training Service Camp Crame

Quezon City

Region 7

 Abellana National School

Cebu City

Region 11

University of Mindanao

Matina Campus

Davao City



  1. Notice of Admission (NOA);
  2. PNP ID;
  3. Pencil No. 2; and,
  4. Black or Blue ball pen (to be used for the customary signature and essay answer of the examinee).



  1. Examinees should report to the exam center in GOA Type A (Male and Female);
  2. They are required to be at the exam venue by 6:00 AM. Tardiness and/or failure of the examinee to present his/her Notice of Admission will be a sufficient ground to disqualify him/her from taking the examination;
  3. An examinee who failed to present his/her PNP ID will not be allowed to take the examination; and,
  4. The exam fee of Php700.00 shall be forfeited in case of non-appearance of the examinee during the exam day.



Examinees are prohibited from bringing the following inside the examination center: firearm, explosive or any deadly weapon, two-way radio, smartwatch, cellular phone and other electronic gadgets, calculator, and reading/review materials.




The exam results of examinees involved in acts of cheating such as, but not limited to, the following shall be invalidated: impersonation, use of codigo or crib sheets, tampering with exam records, collusion of whatever nature between examinees and exam personnel, test booklet switching, such other acts of similar nature that facilitate the passing of the exam, and results declared by NAPOLCOM, through the ED-PAS, as statistically improbable.

Examinees who shall be found to have committed such anomalous acts shall not only be permanently barred from taking the PESE exam, but shall also be charged with dishonesty and, if found culpable, shall be meted the penalty of dismissal from the service. The Police Executive Service Eligibility obtained through anomalous practices shall be nullified.


For inquiries, please contact any of the following NAPOLCOM Regional Offices:


NCR (02) 8-882-1180

(02) 8-882-1187

(02) 8-882-1190

(02) 8-882-1184

[email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

CAR (074) 443-4744

(074) 442-7193

[email protected] [email protected]
1 (072) 242-5064

(072) 682-8896

[email protected] [email protected]
2 (078) 396-0445

(078) 373-1164

[email protected] n[email protected]
3 (045) 455-0253


[email protected]

[email protected]

4A (049) 545-1368

(049) 537-9174

[email protected] [email protected]
MIMAROPA (049) 531-4833

(049) 539-4146

[email protected] [email protected]
5 (052) 482-5560

(052) 482-1041

(052) 284-5955


[email protected] [email protected]
6 (033) 335-0023

(033) 337-0934


[email protected] [email protected]
7 (032) 328-8133

(032) 344-2977

[email protected]

[email protected]

8 (053) 888-0088

(053) 832-0684


[email protected] [email protected]
9 (062) 925-1112 Pagadian City

(062) 925-1100

(062) 991-4900 Zamboanga City

[email protected] [email protected]
10 (088) 850-5701



[email protected] [email protected]
11 (082) 226-2418

(082) 227-9637

(082) 228 5645

[email protected]

[email protected]

12 (083) 520-0417

(083) 228-2317

(083) 381-0689


[email protected] [email protected]
CARAGA (085) 225-9282

(085) 342-8785



[email protected] [email protected]
BARMM (064) 421-4401

(064) 557-4254

[email protected] [email protected]

November 20, 2024

46,243 civilian and police examinees take NAPOLCOM examinations nationwide

On November 24, 2024, the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) will conduct the Philippine National Police Entrance (PNPE) and Promotional Examinations (PROMEX) for 46,243 civilian and police examinees in designated examination centers across the country. These examinations play a crucial role in maintaining the professional standards of the PNP by establishing a merit-based system for recruitment and career advancement within the police service.

Of the total examinees, 37,705 will take the PNP Entrance Examination, which serves as the qualifying examination for the entry-level rank of Patrolman and Patrolwoman in the PNP. This examination is open to qualified civilians aged 21 to 30 on the day of the examination and who hold a bachelor’s degree, as well as Patrolmen and Patrolwomen with temporary appointments due to lack of appropriate eligibility.

Meanwhile, the Promotional Examinations are tailored for in-service police officers aspiring to advance their careers within the PNP. A total of 8,538 police personnel will take part in these examinations, which are divided into categories corresponding to various ranks: Police Officer (PO) 4th Class for Police Corporals and Police Staff Sergeants; P03rd Class for Police Master Sergeants up to Police Executive Master Sergeants; P02nd Class for Police Lieutenants and Police Captains; and POIst Class for Police Majors and Police Lieutenant Colonels.

Examinees will undergo the three-hour test from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at their designated examination center. They are reminded to bring their Notice of Admission (NOA) issued by the Regional Office; one (1) valid government-issued ID with applicant’s date of birth (National ID, Postal, Driver’s License, etc.) (for civilian applicants); PNP ID (for PNP members); Pencil No. 2; and, black or blue ball pen. Only examinees with printed NOA shall be authorized to take the examination. Clearances issued by the Barangay, PNP, NBI, and Court shall not be accepted as valid government-issued IDs.

Strict compliance with the prescribed dress code is enjoined. Examinees for the PNP Entrance Examination should wear white shirt, shoes, and black/dark blue pants (maong/slacks) while examinees for the PNP Promotional Examinations are required to wear their PNP GOA Type C. The Examination Administrator may authorize the wearing of PNP Patrol Shirt or Field Service Uniform (green/pixelized camouflage) for justifiable/exceptional reasons. Examinees not in the prescribed attire will NOT be allowed to enter the examination venue.

The 37 designated examination centers are located in Taguig City, Quezon City, and Marikina City (NCR); Baguio City and Apayao (CAR); City of San Fernando, Vigan City, and Pangasinan (Region 1); Tuguegarao City and Nueva Vizcaya (Region 2); San Fernando City and Cabanatuan City (Region 3); Calamba City and Lucena City (Region 4A); Calapan City, Romblon, and Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro (MIMAROPA); Legazpi City and Naga City (Region 5); Iloilo City and Bacolod City (Region 6); Cebu City and Tagbilaran City (Region 7); Tacloban City and Calbayog City (Region 8); Pagadian City and Zamboanga City (Region 9); Cagayan de Oro City and Iligan City (Region 10); Davao City and Mati City (Region 11); Koronadal City and General Santos City (Region 12); Butuan City and Bayugan City (CARAGA); and Cotabato City and Tawi-Tawi (BARMM).

Bringing prohibited items, such as firearm, explosive or any deadly weapon, twoway radio, cellular phone or any electronic gadget, calculator, smartwatch, reading/review materials, bag/knapsack, envelope/folder, and other things/objects unnecessary to the exam, inside the examination venue is strictly not allowed. Violation of this policy will automatically disqualify the examinee from taking the examination or will result in the nullification of the same.

The NAPOLCOM reiterates that committing any form of cheating will result in the invalidation of the examination result of the examinee and he/she shall be permanently barred from taking the NAPOLCOM examination, as provided for under NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 2013-007 dated October 30, 2013. If a police examinee commits cheating, he/she shall be charged with dishonesty and, if found culpable, shall be meted the penalty of dismissal from the service.

November 20, 2024

347 senior police officials take Police Executive Service Eligibility Written Exam

A total of 347 senior officials of the Philippine National Police (PNP) will take the Police Executive Service Eligibility (PESE) Written Examination to be conducted by the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) on November 23, 2024 in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

The PESE Process is exclusively open to police officials with the rank of Police Lieutenant Colonel. It comprises two (2) phases, the Written Examination and the Validation Interview. Candidates who successfully complete and pass both phases will be conferred with the subject eligibility, a requirement for promotion to the third-level ranks of Police Colonel, Police Brigadier General, Police Major General, Police Lieutenant General, and Police General.

Examinees are scheduled to take the three-hour test from 8:00 a.m. to 1 1 a.m. at their assigned examination centers. Those from Luzon are advised to report to the examination center at the PNP Training Service, Camp Crame in Quezon City. Examinees from the Visayas should proceed to Abellana National School in Cebu City, while those from Mindanao should report to the University of Mindanao-Matina Campus, in Davao City.

They are required to wear their GOA Type A uniform during the examination. They are also reminded to bring the following: Notice of Admission (NOA), PNP ID, Pencil No. 2; and black or blue ball pen (to be used for the customary signature and essay answer of the examinee).

Examinees are prohibited from bringing the following inside the examination center: firearm, explosive or any deadly weapon, two-way radio, cellular phone or any electronic gadget, calculator, smartwatch, reading/review materials, bag/knapsack, and envelope/folder.

September 6, 2024



The National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) will commemorate its 58th Founding Anniversary on September 9, 2024 (Monday) with Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin C. Abalos, Jr. as Guest of Honor and Speaker.

In this connection, may we invite you to cover said anniversary program which will start at 10:00 A.M. at the 8th Floor Jesse M. Robredo Hall, DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA corner Quezon Avenue, Quezon City.

For confirmation and additional details, please contact Mr. Ramon D. Ypil, Assistant Chief, Public Information Division, at 09175418185 or 8890-9861.

September 5, 2024


2024 NCPW Celebration

The National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM), in coordination with the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the National Youth Commission (NYC), leads the observance of the 2024 National Crime Prevention Week (NCPW) from September 1 to 7, 2024 with the theme “Kabataan Tara na, sa Crime Prevention, Kaisa Ka!” This year’s observance highlights the role of the youth in crime prevention both as members and influencers within the school and the community.

In this connection, NAPOLCOM and the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) will jointly undertake the 30th NCPW Press Conference on September 6, 2024, 9:00 A.M., at the PIA Auditorium to provide a valuable platform in informing the public, particularly the youth, on the various programs and services of government which are aimed towards keeping them safe and protected from abuse and violence. Said presscon shall be streamed live on the NAPOLCOM Bantay Facebook page ( and viewed at the official NAPOLCOM Facebook page (

In Metropolitan Manila, a series of crime prevention awareness, information, and education activities will be conducted in the following selected schools and barangays:

  • Barangay San Jose, Pasig City (Sept. 7);
  • Benigno Aquino High School, Taguig City (Sept. 16);
  • Caloocan High School, Caloocan City (Sept. 16);
  • Batasan High School, Quezon City (Sept. 16);
  • Rizal High School, Pasig City (Sept. 16);
  • PUP Laboratory High School, Sta. Mesa, Manila (Sept. 18); and
  • National Commission of Senior Citizens (Sept. 19).

On September 19, a Criminal Justice System (CJS) Tour for members of the Quezon City Kabataan Kontra Droga at Terorismo (KKDAT) will include educational visits to a Police Station, a Prosecution Office, a Court and a Correctional Institution.

The NCPW celebration will culminate on September 20, 2024 through a Crime Prevention Research Colloquium and the awarding of winners of the 2024 Crime Prevention Video Ad Making Contest. The colloquium will also feature exemplary research studies from students of five (5) Metro Manila criminology schools.

August 21, 2024


For NAPOLCOM Examination Passers


The results of the police examinations held last June 30, 2024 can now be viewed at the NAPOLCOM website:

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